Monday, 26 October 2009

Time To Take A Checkpoint

It's been around 9 months since we started writing this blog which seems like the right amount of elapsed time to allow us to pause, 'take stock' and reflect on what we've achieved so far and determine the 'next steps' (to borrow an over-used piece of Corporate parlance).

Looking at the number of gaps in blog contributions you could be excused for wondering if we really need yet another pause and you may well be right! But at least this time the pause is being filled!

Actually, despite the irregular contributions, we've still managed to find out quite a lot about the history of Bowerchalke CC. Here's a list of things we've far:

  • Five team photographs, the earliest dating back to 1923
  • A photograph of a match in progress at the Cricket Field from the 1960s
  • Modern day aerial photographs of the old Cricket Field
  • Some local rules of play
  • Annual matches with the Trinity College Cambridge touring side Trinity Tom Tits dating back to at least the 1950s
  • A racehorse called Bowerchalke
  • A white rabbit!
  • Fixture cards for fifteen seasons, the earliest from 1936
  • A scorebook covering the 1968 and 1969 seasons
  • Match by match coverage of the 1969 Knapman Cup winning campaign
  • Two professional footballers who played for Bowerchalke CC: Terry Gulliver and Dave Syrett
  • A match against Somerset CCC including well known players such as Gimblett, Tremlett, Wellard and Buse
  • Village outings to away games by coach
  • The Cricket Club dinner
  • The Bowerchalke Flower Show held at the Cricket Field
  • The Cricket Club Accounts for 1949-1950
  • A list of Cricket Club Officers
  • Famous Vice Presidents: William Golding, James Lovelock and Cecil Beaton
  • Seven seasons of Bowerchalke CC results: 1936, 1937, 1954, 1957, 1961, 1968 and 1969
When you undertake something like this you never really know how it's going to turn out. You have a vague idea and of course you set out with a plan and some goals but actually every now and then you come across something that makes you go ' that is interesting!'. We've had a few 'Wow' moments so far and hopefully there will be plenty more to come.

We've also had a few 'going off at a tangent' moments too...but it's those things which add some unexpected richness to the whole thing. Who would have thought that we'd have uncovered a racehorse? Who would have thought that two professional footballers would have played for such a small village and then gone on to have success in the 'Winter game'? Who would have thought that a professional County Cricket Club would have come and played a game in a Wiltshire village like Bowerchalke?

What's clear to us is that we're finding out about a lot more than just cricket. There is an element of social history here too and so we've become conscious that we're uncovering and recording some important things that may otherwise be lost with time and that others may be able to make use of in the future. For many years, the Cricket Club clearly played an important role in village life during the summer months; villagers played, watched, recorded the results of, talked about and celebrated their team, whatever the result! It was a matter of great pride and we suspect this is something that was played out in other villages too across Wiltshire, Dorset and Hampshire...

If you didn't play cricket you could get involved in other ways, such as becoming a Vice-President. Over the years Bowerchalke Cricket Club had connections with high-ranking people from military backgrounds, a Nobel prize winner and famous author, a world leading scientist and a knighted Royal photographer who lived in the village or nearby. Away games were 'family days out'; who could possibly miss-up the chance of a trip out to Poole Park or The New Forest? It didn't matter who you were the Cricket Club gave you a common purpose...and an opportunity to socialise, especially afterwards in the village pub The Bell Inn.

Of course we mustn't lose sight of the fact that Bowerchalke CC was pretty good at playing cricket too!

In a rural environment you cannot underestimate the importance of stories, sory telling and sharing snippets through word-of-mouth. Every little piece of information has been eagerly snapped up and although we're sure there has been some embellishment and some things forgotten over the years you never throw anything away. Each bit of information shared is like a jigsaw piece that adds to the richness of the picture we are putting together of Bowerchalke CC. For those snippets we are indebted to those who have shared things with us so far, family, friends and those who have contacted us out-of-the-blue - it's been fantastic really. Thank-you.

Well, it's clear that the 'finds' have dried-up recently and we'll need to put some more effort into that side of things. The ones we have discovered have been excellent, fixture cards in particular have been brilliant, especially when someone has taken the time to annotate on them the results or scores. Scorebooks is another area that needs further investigation. The fact that our Dad had a 1968-69 scorebook tucked away cannot be a coincidence as he was the Vice-Captain in maybe other former officers of the Club have some things 'tucked away' somewhere?

One source of information that hasn't yet been followed-up is the Salisbury Journal. Although we've made contact with Salisbury Library to determine the facilities available living remote from the area has made it difficult to pin-down some time to physically make the trip and start the search. We do know that our Uncle David does have some newspaper clippings that we hope to borrow at some point.

We think there's probably a lot more to explore about the local characters, those who played cricket either for or against Bowerchalke CC and of course those who watched.

It would be good to actually visit the old Cricket Field to see what it's like today after its return to agricultural use in the mid 1970s.

Finally, there are some 'stories' that definitely need following up: the match against Somerset CCC, the regular matches against Trinity College Cambridge, the white rabbit - yes really! - and even the racehorse! We're sure that there will be many others emerge in the next nine months! Let's hope so anyway!

Keith and Stuart Gulliver

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Two Professional Footballers!

As we've previously mentioned on this blog Bowerchalke CC had two players who had professional football careers.

Those players were: Terry Gulliver who played for Weymouth, Bournemouth and Boscombe Athletic and Cape Town City and Dave Syrett who played for Swindon Town, Mansfield Town, Walsall, Peterborough United, Northampton Town, Salisbury and Brackley. You can see pictures of these two players in their whites in the Bowerchalke CC team photographs.

Terry Gulliver is in this photograph: and Dave Syrett is in this photograph:

We thought you might also enjoy these football photographs and weblinks to more information.

Terry Gulliver is in the back row, third from the left:

Terry Gulliver is in the front row (not on the ground) and is the first on the left. Football fans will note the presence of the famous striker Ted MacDougal directly behind Terry in the middle row.
This match may well be remembered by those of you who recall The Big Match, ITVs soccer programme from the 1970s. In this match, which was covered by the TV programme, Dave Syrett scored a hat-trick in a 3-3 draw! The photographs were taken in the Mansfield home game versus Bolton Wanderers a couple of weeks before.

You may enjoy the following webpages, the first is a summary of Dave Syrett's career at Swindon Town:

This is an interesting blog entry from a Crystal Palace fan:

The following link shows a write-up of the Mansfield Town versus Tottenham game from 1978:

The following link shows some footage from The Big Match in 1976, Crystal Palace 3-3 Swindon Town at Selhurst Park with Dave Syrett scoring two goals and setting up another. This is classic stuff! Quite a different setting from Bowerchalke CC!

Keith and Stuart Gulliver

Bowerchalke CC Officers

We thought it would be a good idea to start a record of the Bowerchalke CC officers. The details below have been taken from the various Ficture Cards we have received. There are some gaps of course but maybe these will be filled in over time.

1920 to 1935 - no information available

Captain - Mr J Beckly
Vice Captain - A Butler
Hon. Secretary and Treasurer - WAJ Case

Captain - Mr J Beckly
Vice Captain - Mr A Butler
Hon. Secretary and Treasurer - WAJ Case

1938 to 1953 - no information available (was there any cricket played at Bowerchalke CC between 1939 and 1945?)

Captain - George Tate
Vice Captain - John Beckly
Hon. Secretary and Treasurer - JH Beckly

1955 and 1956 - no information available

Captain - David Gulliver
Vice Captain - H Greening
Hon. Secretary and Treasurer - JH Beckly

1958, 1959 and 1960 - no information available

Captain - David Gulliver
Vice Captain - Robin Gulliver
Hon. Secretary and Treasurer - JH Beckly

1962 - no information available

Captain - David Gulliver
Vice Captain - Robin Gulliver
Hon. Secretary - Robin Gulliver and Treasurer - GM Tate

Captain - David Gulliver
Vice Captain - Gordon Lampert
Hon. Secretary - Richard Gulliver and Treasurer - GM Tate

Captain - David Gulliver
Vice Captain - Gordon Lampert
Hon. Secretary and Treasurer - GM Tate

Captain - David Gulliver
Vice Captain - Gordon Lampert
Hon. Secretary and Treasurer - Richard Gulliver

Captain - David Gulliver
Vice Captain - Chris Down
Hon. Secretary and Treasurer - M Down

Captain - David Gulliver
Vice Captain - Gordon Lampert
Hon. Secretary - M Down and Treasurer - C Down

Captain - Tim Barter
Vice Captain - Brian Gulliver
Hon. Secretary - M Down Treasurer - C Down

Captain - Tim Barter
Vice Captain - Brian Gulliver
Hon. Secretary and Treasurer - Dorien Petch

1971 - no information available

Captain - Chris Harding
Vice Captain - Tim Barter
Hon. Secretary and Treasurer - G Turner

Captain - Chris Harding
Vice Captain - Tim Barter
Hon. Secretary and Treasurer - G Turner

1974 - no information available

If you have any information that will help fill in any of the missing gaps shown above please send us an e-mail at

Keith and Stuart Gulliver

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Bowerchalke CC Accounts 1949-1950 Season

In amongst the various papers we have received on Bowerchalke CC from David Gulliver (our Uncle), we've come across some very interesting items, including the subject of this blog article: the accounts for the cricket club from 1949-50. They provide a fascinating insight into a number of things.

For example:
  • Bowerchalke CC used to hire coaches from Adams Brothers (which we believe is now known as Victory Tours) to get to away games. It sounds like it was quite a day out not just for the players but other people from the village! A real outing! We spoke to our Mum about this and she can recall going to away games (e.g. out to the New Forest or down to Poole Park). We wonder if anyone has any photographs of these village outings? They must have been quite an occasion!
  • Bowerchalke CC used to have a dinner and a raffle draw. We spoke to our Dad about this and he recalls these being held in the old Bowerchalke Village Hall (no longer there although KeithG can vaguely recall it, a green wooden structure perhaps?). There was some recollection of an after dinner speaker, a Mr. Douglas Horner, who also used to do impressions apparantly. Does anyone remember these dinners? Or have any photographs?
  • Cricket bats were referred to as 'willows', how beautiful is that?
  • The mower needed a couple of repairs! And Mr Stevens and Mr Gillan used to cut the pitch, for which they were paid.
  • Umpires and scorers teas were properly accounted for.
  • Looks like our Grandad (Harold Gulliver) received 3 pounds compensation from the insurance company Norwich Union, wonder why? Does anyone recall the story behind that?

The two pictures below are extracts from a scanned image of the original document which was hand-written and suffering a bit from the ravages of time (and a bit of damp too, hence the brown stain marks).

This is an extract from the income page of the accounts. It says:

  • Brought forward 30 (pounds) 10 (shillings) and 6 (pence)
  • Proceeds of dinner 26 8 9
  • Bus receipts for away games at Hale (2 0 6), Breamore ( 2 1 3), South Newton (1 10 0), Poole (2 12 0), Bemerton (19 6), Winterslow and Little Durnford (4 12 3), making a grand total of 14 pounds, 5 shillings and 6 pence (written in pencil).
  • Draw sale of tickets (15 18 0)
  • Returned prizes (1 0 0)
  • Balance in hand 1949-50 (26 13 1)
  • Making a total of 114 pounds 5 shillings and 10 pence (quite a lot!)

This is an extract from the expenditure page of the 1950 accounts. Some of the words aren't 100% clear unfortunately but we think it reads as follows:

  • March 16th - Willows (?) 6 (pounds) 3 (shillings) 10 (pence)
  • May 2nd - J.T. Lowe Ltd. piston rings (in hand) 9 6
  • May 2nd - D.M. Porter (?) repairs to mower 2 7 6
  • May 3rd - Salisbury Journal fixture cards 1 10 6
  • May 4th - Norwich Union Ins(urance) Co (?) SRC? team and 3rd party risks 1 19 0
  • May 4th - cutting pitch P Stevens 2 18 0
  • May 4th - cutting pitch J Gillan 2 14 0
  • May 4th - Scorers and umpires teas 1 8 0
  • May 4th - H Gulliver compensation from insurance company 3 0 0
  • June 8th - D M Porter (?) repairs to mower 1 5 9
  • June 22nd - T Jay and Sons draw tickets 2 5 6
  • July 7th - Wiltons Scorebook and repairs 1 9 6
  • September 13th - Wiltons rubber and roll of tape 2 4 9
  • September 13th - rents for ground 10 0 0
  • September 13th - A Butler and J Beckly polish for pitch - - -
  • September 13th - Adams Bros. hire of coaches 24 15 0
  • Balance in hand as of February 1951 50 15 0
  • Making a total of 114 pounds 5 shillings and 10 pence

Keith and Stuart Gulliver

Thursday, 3 September 2009

Winners Medal For Knapman Cup Victory 1969

In this blog entry we covered Bowerchalke's victory in the Knapman Cup during the 1969 season. Here are a couple of pictures of a winners medal (our Dad's):

Forty years on, wouldn't it be great if the 1969 team could all get together again?

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Bowerchalke CC Fixture Card 1954

Images Of The Bowerchalke CC Fixture Card 1954

It's amazing what people have tucked away! Again a member of our family has come up trumps with the 1954 Fixture Card...this was found in the same storage box as the 1968-69 scorebook. Thanks Mum! The good thing is that this card has been annotated, so we can take a closer look at the results for the 1954 season that have been recorded. We assume this was our Dad's fixture card, he would have been in his mid-late teens then. But it could have belonged to another member of the family.

The front cover shows that George Tate was the captain in the 1954 season and John Beckly was vice-captain. There are some familiar names listed as Vice-Presidents.

Now we've got a reasonably good collection of fixture cards it would be a good idea to start to pull together a list of club officers over the years. Something to work on...and more gaps identified to fill no doubt!

It's amazing how good a source of information the fixture card is for a whole host of things; the fact that people took it upon themselves to record some details about the matches as well says a lot.

  • May 1st versus Hale (away) won (Bowerchalke 133-6, Hale 87 all out. The owner of the fixture card scored 16 not out).
  • May 8th versus Breamore (away) lost (Breamore 67-8, Bowerchalke 47 all out)
  • May 15th versus South Newton (home) match drawn (South Newton 170-6, Bowerchalke 70-9)
  • May 22nd versus CDEE Porton (home) no result recorded
  • May 29th versus Little Durnford (home) won (Little Durnford 23 all out, no Bowerchalke details recorded)
  • June 5th versus Winterbourne (home) match drawn
  • June 7th versus Poole Old Grammarians (home) match drawn
  • June 12th versus CDEE Porton (away) match abandoned
  • June 19th versus Trinity College Cambridge (home) lost (Bowerchalke 163 all out, Trinity College Cambridge 164-6)
  • June 26th versus Breamore (home) won
  • July 3rd versus South Wilts (home) won
  • July 10th versus Winterbourne (away) won
  • July 17th no match, Bowerchalke Flower Show
  • July 24th versus Hale (home) lost
  • July 31st versus Fordingbridge (away) lost
  • August 2nd versus Tarrant Gunville (home) won (Tarrant Gunville 64 all out, no Bowerchalke details recorded)
  • August 7th versus Wiltshire Queries no match details recorded
  • August 14th no match listed
  • August 21st versus Little Durnford (away) no match details recorded
  • August 28th versus Agrarians (away) no match details recorded
  • September 4th no match listed


There were 18 matches listed in the fixture card including the one added on August 2nd. Bowerchalke won 6, lost 4 and 3 matches were drawn. In addition 1 match was listed as abandoned and 4 have no match details recorded.

It's good to see that the Trinity College Cambridge game was played in 1954, this was clearly a long-standing fixture. This is the earliest listing we have come across (so far) for this fixture.

Note also there was no game on the 17th July because of the Flower Show (Dad believes the cricket field was used for the show). If you know anymore about the fixtures with missing details or anymore about the Flower Show let us know, send an e-mail to we'd love to hear from you.


Bowerchalke CC Picture 1923: Update

We've had an e-mail from Roger Case about this blog entry which showed the Bowerchalke team in 1923:

Roger says: '...I too have a copy of the photograph of the team in 1923...I was told the chap in the back row was Morland Hardiman, not sure if this is right! Also Mr Hitchings I think was Reg Hitchings....'

Many thanks for this information Roger!

Roger also sent us this fantastic picture of his Grandfather WAJ Case (Bill) in his cricket whites and his son Norman taken around 1930 at the Bowerchalke CC field. Roger doesn't know the name of the rabbit!!


Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Bowerchalke CC Season 1969: The Knapman Cup

In a previous blog entry we made reference to The Knapman Cup. This was a local cricket knockout competition in the Salisbury and District Area, twenty overs per side, played in midweek evenings. We believe it was organised by Farley CC as that is where The Semi-Finals and The Final were played (nice place to play). We'll need to find out a bit more about the history, we assume that it is still played for today but will try and confirm that somehow. Interestingly, both our Dad (for Bowerchalke and Bishopstone) and KeithG (for South Wilts) have actually played in winning teams! And that leads us nicely on to the 1969 season...

As already referenced in this blog, Bowerchalke was knocked out of The Knapman Cup in 1968 by South Wilts. We assume this was in the first round of the competition. The first attempt to play the game on the 14th June 1968 was abandoned because of rain after 9 overs with South Wilts 74-1. On the 24th June 1968 South Wilts made 121 for 6 and beat Bowerchalke (90-5) by 31 runs.

Interestingly in the 1968-69 scorebook the scorer highlighted the 1969 first round match as The Knapman Cup along the top of the page, presumably to draw a distinction between this game and the normal fixtures. However, s/he mistakenly started to write in Morrison Cup...and then scribbled it out. We know that our Dad also has a Morrison Cup winners trophy at was The Knapman Cup its successor? All references we can find to The Morrison Cup on the Internet seem to relate to football not cricket. If you know anymore about this let us know, send an e-mail to

First Round: Bowerchalke Versus Great Durnford played at Bowerchalke on 4th June 1969
Weather: sunny
Toss Won By: Great Durnford
Bowerchalke 112 for 9, C Down 31, D Gulliver 27, G Prince 10-0-53-7-7.57
Great Durnford 94 for 7, R Phillips 28 not out, B Stevens 10-1-49-5-9.8
Bowerchalke won by 18 runs
Bowerchalke team: C Down, T Barter, B Stevens, G Lampert, D Gulliver, A Syrett, R Clough, B Gulliver, D Petch, J Lord, M Lampert

Second Round: Bowerchalke Versus Farley played at Bowerchalke on DATE NOT SPECIFIED IN SCOREBOOK (between 28th June and 5th July 1968 the games before and after in the book)
Toss Won By: Bowerchalke
Bowerchalke 124-6, C Down 54 not out, D Gulliver 31, A Syrett 19 not out, C Fletcher 9-0-53-3-17.6
Farley 69-8, S Edwards 27, D Gulliver 10-0-33-4-8.25, B Stevens 9-1-24-3-8, C Down 1-0-9-1-9
Bowerchalke won by 55 runs
Bowerchalke team: P Salisbury, C Down, T Barter, G Lampert, B Stevens, D Gulliver, R Clough, A Syrett, B Gulliver, D Petch, M Lampert

Semi-Final: Bowerchalke Versus Whiteparish played at Farley on 14th July 1969
sunny / hazy
Whiteparish 106-6, J Rushton 19, C Cobern 22, P Cobern 22, B Ling 22 (there were four Coberns in the Whiteparish team!), D Gulliver 7-0-36-2-18, B Stevens 9-0-45-2-22.5, C Down 4-0-16-1-16
Bowerchalke 108-2 off 17 overs, P Salisbury 47 not out, C Down 20, G Lampert 38 not out, W Alford 6-0-29-1-29
Bowerchalke won by 8 wickets
Bowerchalke team: P Salisbury, C Down, T Barter, G Lampert, B Stevens, D Gulliver, A Syrett, R Clough, D Petch, J Lord, M Lampert

Final: Bowerchalke Versus South Wilts II played at Farley on 18th July 1969
Toss Won By: South Wilts II
South Wilts II 95-9, M Heather 22, D Gulliver 10-0-32-7-4.57, B Stevens 10-0-51-2-25.5
Bowerchalke 99-1, P Salisbury 46 not out, C Down 23, T Barter 24 not out
Bowerchalke won by 9 wickets and win The Knapman Cup! Sweet revenge for defeat against South Wilts a year earlier.
Bowerchalke team: P Salisbury, C Down, T Barter, G Lampert, B Stevens, D Gulliver, A Syrett, R Clough, B Gulliver, D Petch, J Lord

Monday, 31 August 2009

Bowerchalke CC Season 1969 Season Summary

As a follow-up to the blog entry on the 1968 season here is some information about the Bowerchalke CC season 1969.

Note: bowling analysis shows overs-maidens-runs-wickets-average runs per wicket. Scores of 50 or over and bowling 'fiver-fors' are highlighted in bold. The matches below do not include Bowerchalke's matches in the 1969 Knapman Cup (more of which another time!)

Bowerchalke CC versus Great Durnford 3rd May 1969 at Great Durnford
Weather: not specified
Bowerchalke 133 all out, T Barter 31, D Gulliver 27, R Clough 23, M Phillips 9-2-24-4-6, P Gosse 4.1-0-12-3-4
Great Durnford 118 all out, J Powell 24, M Phillips 28, M Hazzard 28, D Gulliver 17.4-2-51-7-7.28, G Lampert 9-2-20-2-10
Bowerchalke won by 15 runs

Bowerchalke CC versus Crown Chambers 17th May 1969 at Bowerchalke
Bowerchalke 87 all out, T Barter 43 retired, Chandler 6-1-19-4-4.75, Wilson 5-1-19-2-9.5
Crown Chambers 52 all out (only 10 players listed), D Chandler 17 not out, D Gulliver 9.5-2-21-4-5.25, C Down 5-1-13-3-4.35
Bowerchalke won by 35 runs

Bowerchalke CC versus Great Durnford 25th May 1969 at Bowerchalke
Weather: too wet
Bowerchalke 53-3, G Lampert 29 not out, match abandoned after 16.4 overs
No result

Bowerchalke CC versus Trinity College Cambridge 31st May 1969 at Cambridge
Weather: dull
Trinity College 196-4, D Gibbs 33 RNR Jenkins 30 G Able 63 B Powell 51 not out, C Downs 17-4-50-2-25
Bowerchalke 146-9, T Barter 21, D Gulliver 43, Guernsey 20-10-30-5-6. Note C Moore batting at 10 scored a 5!
Match drawn

Bowerchalke CC versus Breamore 7th June 1969 at Bowerchalke
Weather: sunny
Bowerchalke 153-4, R Perry 40 not out, D Gulliver 51, S Hall 14-1-32-2-16
Breamore 129-6, P Marlow 43 not out, R Hall 22, D Gulliver 22-1-65-4-16.25
Match drawn

Bowerchalke CC versus Trinity Tom Tits 14th June 1969 at Bowerchalke
Weather: very hot / sunny
Trinity Tom Tits 173-7, EC Danziger 31, GG Able 22, BCH Powell 23 JLD Pearce 21 not out, S Tilley 12-1-44-3-14.66, G Lampert 5-0-23-2-11.5
Bowerchalke 110-9, D Gulliver 47 not out, DJ Gibson-Watt 15-9-27-3-9, TP Blenkin 10-3-39-4-9.75
Match drawn

Bowerchalke CC versus Amesbury 21st June 1969 at Bowerchalke
dull / overcast
Bowerchalke 159-7, T Barter 49 (run out!), G Lampert 34, D Gulliver 35, J Lord 17 not out, B Burrows 16-2-35-4-8.75
Amesbury 56 all out, B Burrows 14 not out, D Gulliver 16-7-23-5-4.6, G Lampert 7.5-3-15-4-3.75
Bowerchalke won by 103 runs

Bowerchalke CC versus Agrarians 28th June 1969 at Bowerchalke
Bowerchalke 151-9, P Salisbury 19, G Lampert 17, D Gulliver 24, C Harding 18, R Clough 36 not out, M Doggrell 21-4-58-4-14.5, M Miller 15-1-53-3-17.66, R Woodhouse 6-1-28-2-14
Agrarians 99 all out (only 10 players listed), M Tory 39 not out, D Gulliver 16.5-2-39-4-9.75, C Down 10-2-25-2-12.5, G Lampert 7-1-23-3-7.66
Bowerchalke won by 52 runs

Bowerchalke CC versus Little Durnford 5th July 1969 at Bowerchalke
Weather: sunny
Little Durnford 153, D Wilkins 33, D Cowley 25, P Grant 20, J Street 19, C Down 12-7-25-3-8.33, A Syrett 12-2-31-2-15.5, G Lampert 14-0-51-2-25.5
Bowerchalke 147-4, P Salisbury 50, C Down 36, G Lampert 33 retired hurt, R Reeves 19-3-51-3-17
Match drawn

Bowerchalke CC versus Fordingbridge 12th July 1969 at Bowerchalke
Weather: sunny
Fordingbridge 52 all out, C Down 12-6-16-5-3.2, G Lampert 11-1-30-5-6
Bowerchalke 53-1, C Down 13 not out, D Gulliver 32
Bowerchalke won by 9 wickets

Bowerchalke CC versus Amesbury 19th July 1969 at Amesbury
Weather: overcast / cloudy
Amesbury 70 all out, P Glover 18, D Gulliver 20-7-31-3-10.3, C Down 15-2-2-28-4-7, J Gillyland 5-1-5-3-1.6
Bowerchalke 68 all out (!), J Lord 19, D Petch 23, N Paynes 8-0-37-3-12.3, T Spreadbury 10-2-24-4-6, P Beattie 2.3-0-7-3-2.1
Bowerchalke lost by 2 runs

Bowerchalke CC versus Breamore 2nd August 1969 at Breamore
Weather: overcast
Bowerchalke 126 all out, T Barter 25, D Holmes 31, R Perry 19, P Marlow 13-2-39-3-13
Breamore 45 all out, D Young 18, D Gulliver 16-9-14-6-2.33, G Lampert 5.5-3-7-2-3.5
Bowerchalke won by 81 runs

Bowerchalke CC versus Fordingbridge 9th August 1969 at Fordingbridge
Weather: V. overcast / wet
Bowerchalke 155-3, T Barter 23, G Lampert 80 not out, D Gulliver 47 not out, L McShea 8-1-40-3-13.3
Fordingbridge 52-8, R Quantich 15 not out, D Gulliver 15-5-18-3-6, C Down 10-3-16-4-4
Match drawn

Bowerchalke CC versus Poole Old Grammarians 16th August 1969 at Bowerchalke
Weather: overcast
Bowerchalke 164-6, R Perry 26, G Lampert 83, D Gulliver 30, Thomas 2-0-20-2-10
Poole Old Grammarians 87 all out, Devon 18, D Gulliver 12.3-3-28-3-9.33, C Down 18-9-27-3-9, G Lampert 10-5-7-4-1.75, R Clough 4-0-4-1-4
Bowerchalke won by 77 runs

Matches played 18, won 11, drew 5, lost 1, no result 1

INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCES: BATTING (innings-not outs-total runs-highest score-average)
P Salisbury 6-2-167-47-41.75
G Lampert 14-5-369-83-41.00
D Gulliver 15-3-417-51-34.88
T Barter 15-2-271-49-20.83
R Clough 11-4-97-36-18.8
D Holmes 4-1-46-31-15.3
C Down 18-2-244-54*-15.25
R Perry 8-1-101-40*-14.43
B Gulliver 9-2-63-15-9.00
J Lord 9-2-55-19-7.85
C Harding 7-0-54-18-7.72

INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCES: BOWLING (overs-maidens-runs-wickets-average per wicket)
G Lampert 75.4-16-236-26-9.075
D Gulliver 216-48-532-53-10.035
C Down 155-36-379-32-11.85
B Stevens 38-2-169-12-14.075
R Clough 18-1-50-3-16.65
R Gulliver 15-0-56-1-56
S Tilley 12-1-44-3-14.4
A Syrett 12-2-31-2-15.5
P Syrett 3-1-6-1-6
J Gillyland 5-1-5-3-1.67

G Lampert 6 catches
T Barter, D Petch* 5 catches
C Down, C Harding 4 catches
B Gulliver 3 catches
D Gulliver, J Lord, B Stevens 2 catches
R Clough, R Gulliver, A Syrett, D Tate 1 catch
M Lampert* 1 stumping
* wicket-keepers. D Petch was wicket-keeper in 14 matches, M Lampert in 4 matches

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Bowerchalke CC Season 1968 Season Summary

Below is a summary of each of the games listed in the 1968-69 scorebook for Bowerchalke CC for season 1968. Key batting and bowling performances are highlighted, with scores of 50 plus and bowling 'five-fors' shown in bold text for both Bowerchalke and the opposition. Where the weather is described in the scorebook I've included that too (looks like it was a dull summer!).

There are some clear differences between the games actually played and those listed in the 1968 fixture card (e.g. the away game versus Cambridge is not in the scorebook nor is Courage, Reading presumably both cancelled). The Breamore game played on the 11th June was listed as being on the 8th June.


Bowerchalke versus Great Durnford on 4th May 1968 played at Bowerchalke
Weather: wet
Great Durnford 46 all out, G Lampert 8-3-15-7 and C Moore 2.5-0-8-3
Bowerchalke 48-5, G Lampert 18
Bowerchalke won by 5 wickets

Bowerchalke versus Crown Chambers on 18th May 1968 played at Bowerchalke
Weather: dull
Bowerchalke 166-5, T Barter 66, D Holmes 34, G Lampert 27, D Gulliver 23
Crown Chambers 57 all out, R Clough 5-1-19-3, D Gulliver 2-0-7-3
Bowerchalke won by 109 runs

Bowerchalke versus Great Durnford on 25th May 1968 played at Great Durnford
Weather: no description provided
Great Durnford 121 all out, R Phillips 61, D Gulliver 17-2-47-3, G Lampert 10-3-25-5
Bowerchalke 89 all out, G Lampert 54 not out, L White 8-2-14-3, R Phillips 7.7-1-21-2
Great Durnford won by 32 runs

Bowerchalke versus Breamore on 11th June 1968 played at Bowerchalke
Weather: wet
Breamore 155-7, D Barter 59, P Marlow 27, H Keatinge 25, G Perks 21 not out, D Gulliver 16-5-55-2, G Lampert 17-2-56-2, G Oliver 5-1-19-2
Bowerchalke 158-5, G Lampert 81, D Holmes 21 not out, G Perks 7-0-28-2, J Hall 10-2-35-2
Bowerchalke won by 5 wickets

Bowerchalke versus Little Durnford on 15th June 1968 played at Little Durnford
Weather: B Hot (!) / V Hot
Little Durnford 173-6, J Sanderson 60, D Cowley 35, W Duthoit 30 not out, D Gulliver 16-3-40-3
Bowerchalke 118-6, D Holmes 48, D Gulliver 22, C Moore 17 not out, C Biddle 13-4-29-3, R Reeves 9-1-16-2
Match drawn

Bowerchalke versus Trinity Tom Tits on 17th June 1968 played at Bowerchalke
Weather: sunny
Trinity Tom Tits 186-6, C Bass 78, G Able 42, N Wall 30 not out, K Parker 17-0-84-3, D Gulliver 21-8-44-2
Bowerchalke 99 all out, D Gulliver 23, R Clough 18 not out, C Guernsey 11-3-31-2, D Empsal 9-2-14-2, N Wall 9.3-0-35-3, N Crafts 3-1-4-2, C Potter 3-1-4-2
Trinity Tom Tits won by 87 runs

Bowerchalke versus South Wilts on 24th June 1968 played at Bowerchalke (Knapman Cup) re-arranged from 14th June 1968 which was abandoned because of rain
Weather: dull / duller (!)
South Wilts 121-6 off 20 overs, M Russell 46, D Heather 26, D Gulliver 10-0-42-2
Bowerchalke 90-5 off 20 overs, T Barter 37 not out, K Parker 10-0-42-3, P Cannings 10-1-31-2 South Wilts won by 31 runs

Bowerchalke versus Agrarians on 29th June 1968 played at Bowerchalke
Weather: sunny
Agrarians 124 all out, Woodhouse 28, Holroyd 22, Ramplay 22, D Gulliver 21-7-33-2, G Lampert 13-2-33-3, C Down 4-1-6-3
Bowerchalke 94 all out, C Down 27, D Holmes 18, Knight 12.5-4-30-5, Bolshaw 18-5-42-2, Woodhouse 7-2-20-2
Agrarians won by 30 runs

Bowerchalke versus Little Durnford on 6th July 1968 played at Bowerchalke
Weather: cloudy
Little Durnford 44 all out, W Duthoit 19, D Gulliver 11-5-14-7, C Down 10.5-4-28-2
Bowerchalke 47-3, C Down 15, G Lampert 15 not out, D Wilkins 5-0-21-2
Bowerchalke won by 7 wickets

Bowerchalke versus Fordingbridge on 13th July 1968 played at Fordingbridge
Weather: fine / wet
Bowerchalke 155-7, G Lampert 41, D Gulliver 20, B Gulliver 39 not out, D Petch 47 not out, L McShea 14-1-39-3, G Potter 9-1-32-2
Fordingbridge 89-5, G Potter 30, G Lampert 7-3-19-2
Match drawn

Bowerchalke versus Amesbury on 20th July 1968 played at Amesbury
Weather: fine
Amesbury 139-6, R Feltham 30, T Senaviratne 30, C Thomas 44, D Gulliver 15-3-39-3
Bowerchalke 65 all out, D Gulliver 42, C Thomas 14-7-13-4, B Burrows 12-5-20-5
Amesbury won by 74 runs

Bowerchalke versus Wiltshire Queries on 27th July 1968 played at Bowerchalke
Weather: fine
Wiltshire Queries 73 all out (only had 10 men), D Brierley 15, P Hosler 15 not out, C Down 12-3-35-7
Bowerchalke 76-2, A Syrett 29 not out, C Moore 27 not out, J Dickey 9-1-21-2
Bowerchalke won by 8 wickets

Bowerchalke versus Breamore on 3rd August 1968 played at Breamore
Weather: dull
Breamore 72 all out, P Marlow 16, C Down 11.5-0-28-5, G Lampert 12-2-23-4
Bowerchalke 73-2, C Down 20, C Moore 18, T Barter 25 not out
Bowerchalke won by 8 wickets

Bowerchalke versus Fordingbridge on 10th August 1968 played at Bowerchalke
Weather: overcast
Fordingbridge 168-3, R Seaton 88 not out, J Bongard 28, D Gulliver 15-4-35-3
Bowerchalke 105 all out, D Holmes 37, E Bignell 12-6-24-9
Fordingbridge won by 63 runs

Matches played 15, won 6, lost 6, drawn 2, abandoned 1

C Down 11 innings, 0 not outs, 106 runs, highest score 27, average 9.64
C Moore 13 innings, 4 not outs, 114 runs, highest score 27 not out, average 12.68
T Barter 9 innings, 2 not outs, 178 runs, highest score 66, average 25.45
G Lampert 12 innings, 3 not outs, 266 runs, highest score 87, average 29.58
D Holmes 9 innings, 2 not outs, 170 runs, highest score 48, average 24.31
J Lord 5 innings, 0 not outs, 14 runs, highest score 12, average 2.80
R Clough 10 innings, 5 not outs, 51 runs, highest score 18, average 10.20
D Petch 6 innings 1 not out, 57 runs, highest score 47 not out, average 11.4
D Gulliver 10 innings, 0 not outs, 163 runs, highest score 42, average 16.3
B Gulliver 7 innings, 2 not outs, 50 runs, highest score 38, average 10
A Syrett 5 innings, 1 not out, total runs 61, highest score 29 not out, average 15.25
Also batted: M Lampert, M Down, P Pullins, G Oliver, T Gulliver, K Parker, L Viney, D Tate, J Gilleland, P Syrett.
Also played but did not bat: J Hitchings, A Izzard, D Syrett

INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE SUMMARIES: BOWLING (overs-maidens-runs-wickets-average per wicket)
C Down 40.5-7-131-9-TBC (plus* 35.5-3-102-12)
G Lampert 85.5-11-298-23-TBC (plus* 15.2-2-34-5)
C Moore 7.5-2-25-4-TBC (plus* 7-0-27-1)
D Gulliver 147-36-375-29-TBC (plus* 39-9-74-5)
B Gulliver 3-2-5-1-5
D Petch 3-1-3-1-3
J Lord 3-1-7-0-none
R Clough 30.2-4-107-6-15.29
G Oliver 9-1-47-2-23.5
A Syrett 20-4-86-2-43
D Holmes 3-0-24-0-none
K Parker 17-0-84-3-28
D Tate 0.3-0-1-1-1
G Tate 13-1-38-0
T Feather 3-0-14-0
* need to add these together, two separate entries in the scorebook bowling analysis! Hence TBC for average per wicket.

C Down (2), C Moore (4), T Barter (3), G Lampert (2), D Homes (4), J Lord (1), R Clough (4), M Down (1), D Petch (6 plus 1 stumping), M Lampert (2 plus 2 stumpings), D Gulliver (4), B Gulliver (1), R Pullins (1), P Syrett (1), D Syrett (2)
Note: M Lampert was wicket-keeper for 8 matches and D Petch for 7 matches.


Saturday, 22 August 2009

Bowerchalke CC Fixture Cards 1968 and 1969

You may be asking yourself: why take a closer look at these two years? Well, this week we obtained our first Bowerchalke CC scorebook which covers these two seasons! A brilliant find! Our Mum found it tucked away in an old storage box! We'll take a closer look at some of the matches in future blog entries. It will be interesting to see how the scorebook matches up with the fixture cards (e.g. extra games played).

Anyway, first of all here are the two fixture cards.


Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Bowerchalke CC Fixture Card 1961

Bowerchalke CC Fixture Card 1961
This fixture card was in Uncle David's collection and has been annotated with the results of some of the matches played that season, although not all.

As you can see there are a number of scribbles in the fixture card to reflect changes to the schedule after publication.

As you can also see from the front cover David Gulliver was captain and Robin Gulliver was vice captain. Mr Beckly was secretary and treasurer and Mr Case was President. There are some familiar names in the list of vice-presidents again with some top military connections!

Having seen a number of these fixture cards now it would be worth creating some sort of club officers list at some point, need to give that some more thought.

Summary of results

If you look closely you can see a summary of Bowerchalke CC's 1961 season: won 13, lost 2 and drew 1. There are two games recorded as 'C' presumably for 'cancelled'. If this is complete and accurate this summary implies that quite a few games were cancelled or the result was not recorded for some reason, including the whole of August and September. This needs looking into.

  • April 29th 1961 versus Hale (home) won
  • May 6th 1961 versus South Newton (away) cancelled
  • May 13th 1961 versus Great Durnford (away) won
  • May 20th 1961 versus Broadchalke (away) won
  • May 22nd 1961 versus Poole Old Grammarians (home) won
  • May 27th 1961 versus Little Durnford (away) draw
  • June 3rd 1961 versus Great Durnford (away) won
  • June 10th 1961 versus Amesbury (away) cancelled
  • June 17th 1961 versus Breamore (home) won
  • June 19th 1961 versus Trinity College Cambridge "Tom Tits" (home) won
  • June 24th 1961 versus Agrarians (home) lost
  • June 25th 1961 versus South Newton (away) won, note this was a Sunday.
  • DATE UNKNOWN versus Bere Regis (NOT KNOWN) won
  • July 1st 1961 versus Breamore (away) won
  • July 8th 1961 versus St. Pauls (NOT KNOWN) lost
  • July 9th 1961 versus Farley (NOT KNOWN but probably away as a Sunday) won
  • July 15th 1961 NO FIXTURE LISTED although I wonder if the fixture was the one above versus Bere Regis? It's one of the few 'gaps' in the fixture list so I guess it's possible.
  • July 22nd 1961 versus Fordingbridge (away) won
  • July 29th 1961 versus Wiltshire Queries (home) won
  • August 5th 1961 versus Wiltshire Queries (NOT KNOWN) no result recorded
  • August 7th 1961 versus Old Parkstonians (home) no result recorded
  • August 12th 1961 versus Little Durnford (home) no result recorded
  • August 19th 1961 versus Fordingbridge (home) no result recorded
  • September 2nd 1961 versus Poole Old Grammarians (POG) (home) no result recorded
  • September 9th 1961 versus Broadchalke (home) no result recorded

May 22nd and August 7th were Mondays, presumably Bank Holiday Mondays. June 19th was also a Monday.


A Match In Progress At Bowerchalke CC In The 1960s

Our mum produced this photograph out-of-the-blue one day!

It's actually tiny in size and this is a blown-up version but it's come out really well, I hope you agree!

You can see the wonderful tree-lined field, a sitescreen, a heavy looking roller and to the right of the roller that's where Grandad Gulliver used to stand just before tea.

Note also the fence surrounding the playing area (remember the cricket field was in the middle of a working field on the farm).

The umpire's stooped stance is quite something, don't think you'll see much of that in village cricket today.

We don't recognise any of the players unfortunately but maybe you do or perhaps you have some photographs yourself that you'd like to share. If so drop us an e-mail at


Monday, 6 July 2009

Bowerchalke CC Batting & Bowling Averages 1962

Handwritten Notes
In amongst various papers we've received relating to Bowerchalke CC (e.g. letters) was this document from 1962 summarising the batting and bowling averages for the season. The two images shown below are of the back and front of the same piece of headed notepaper.

The headed notepaper is titled Manor Farm, Bowerchalke, Salisbury with two 3-digit telephone numbers listed (removed from image) linked to the Broadchalke exchange.

Unfortunately, we don't have a copy of the 1962 Fixture Card, which is a shame as it would have been nice to marry the two documents together. However, this document is still very interesting and has some useful information in it. Let's take a closer look.

1962 Season Summary
Bowerchalke CC played 20 matches in the 1962 season. They won 14, lost 3, drew 2 and 1 game was abandoned.

1962 Batting Averages
Here are the details for each batsman listed:
  • D Gulliver, 14 innings, 399 runs, 5 not outs, average 44.3
  • J Gulliver (or it could be T Gulliver), 7 innings, 209 runs, 1 not out, average 34.1
  • Robin Gulliver, 16 innings, 394 runs, 3 not outs, average 30.3
  • J Sedgwick, 5 innings, 100 runs, 1 not out, average 25.0
  • Richard Gulliver, 15 innings, 282 runs, 2 not outs, average 21.7
  • G Lampert, 5 innings, 77 runs, 1 not out, average 19.2
  • R Newman, 8 innings, 107 runs, 0 not outs, average 13.3
  • G Tate, 13 innings, 110 runs, 3 not outs, average 11.0
  • C Down, 5 innings, 31 runs, 1 not out, average 7.7
  • R Clough, 8 innings, 36 runs, 0 not outs, average 4.5

Also batted:

  • T. Feather 15, 2, 2, 1
  • G Newman 3*, 11, 1*, 6
  • R Pope 4*, 0
  • M Down 3, 3, 0
  • H Hardimann 0, 0, 4
  • R Fry 4, 0
  • A Gulliver 0, 12*
  • J Dawkins 2 (or it could be I Dawkins)
  • J Barter 1 (or it could be T Barter)

1962 Bowling Averages

Here are the details for each bowler listed:

  • Richard Gulliver 294 overs, 44 wickets at an average of 6.6
  • J Sedgwick 73 overs, 9 wickets at an average of 8.1
  • D Gulliver 455 overs, 40 wickets at an average of 11.3
  • G Tate 268 overs, 23 wickets at an average of 11.66
  • R Newman 280 overs, 24 wickets at an average of 11.67
  • Robin Gulliver 176 overs, 10 wickets at an average of 17.6

Also bowled:

  • I Feather (or it could be T Feather) 23 overs, 0 wickets
  • G Newman 40 overs, 2 wickets

Interesting Points

There's some interesting things about this information, including:

  • The club used at least 19 players in the season which for a small village is quite something
  • David Gulliver bowled over 450 overs over 20 games, that's an average of more than 22 overs per game and we know that at least one of those was abandoned
  • David also scored more runs than anyone else (399) and topped the batting averages!
  • At least 5 Gullivers played during the season with Richard topping the bowling averages and Robin scoring nearly 400 runs just being pipped by David.
  • There are some other familiar names listed too (e.g. George Tate, Gordon Lampert, Ron and Gerald Newman, Bob Fry, Tim Barter, Reggie Clough and Chris and Maurice Down).
  • J Sedgwick is Jerry Sedgwick, we believe.

Do you remember anything about this 1962 season or any of the Bowerchalke CC players listed here? If so please let us know by sending an e-mail to: we look forward to hearing from you.


Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Bowerchalke CC Fixture Card 1957

Images of Bowerchalke CC Fixture Card 1957 Season

Notes On The 1957 Fixture Card

In this series of blog entries looking at Bowerchalke CC fixture cards we have moved on 20 years from pre-WW II (1937) to post WW II (1957). Again, Uncle David is the source for this fixture card and this time we believe he is the one who has updated the fixture card with results. No personal performances recorded but instead the match scores. Again, another great record and source of information. As you can see from the front of the fixture card David was the captain in 1957. The list of vice presidents includes some familiar names but in particular it is worth pointing out Cecil Beaton's name. He lived in the village of Broadchalke. There's some serious military connections as well with a captain, three majors and a Lt. Col. all listed as vice presidents of the club! Note also that Mr Beckley, the club secretary and treasurer, has a telephone number listed. The first time we've seen that!

Results of the 1957 Bowerchalke CC Season
  • April 27th 1957 versus Hale (away) - lost. Hale 139 beat Bowerchalke 81 by 58 runs.
  • May 4th 1957 versus Breamore (away) - draw. Bowerchalke 173-6 drew with Breamore 60-5*.
  • May 11th 1957 versus South Newton (home) - won. Bowerchalke 70-3 beat South Newton 25 all out by 45 runs.
  • May 18th 1957 versus Great Durnford (home) - lost. No scores recorded.
  • May 25th 1957 versus Little Durnford (home) - won. No scores recorded.
  • June 1st 1957 versus Winterbourne (home) - won. No scores recorded.
  • June 8th 1957 versus Great Durnford (away) - draw. Great Durnford 258 drew with Bowerchalke 99-6.
  • June 10th 1957 versus Poole Old Grammarians (home) - lost. No scores recorded.
  • June 15th 1957 versus Amesbury (away) - won. Bowerchalke 92 beat Amesbury 48 by44 runs.
  • June 22nd 1957 versus Breamore (home) - won. Bowerchalke 146 beat Breamore 89 by 67 runs*.
  • June 24th 1957 versus Trinity College Cambridge (home) - lost. No scores recorded.
  • June 29th 1957 versus South Wilts (home) - lost. No scores recorded.
  • July 6th 1957 versus Porton Camp CC (away) -lost. No scores recorded.
  • July 10th 1957 versus Martin (home 6PM) - won. No scores recorded.
  • July 13th 1957 versus Hale (home) - won. Bowerchalke 109 beat Hale 42 by 67 runs.
  • July 20th 1957 no fixture listed
  • July 27th 1957 versus Fordingbridge (away) - no result recorded, wet.
  • August 3rd 1957 versus Wiltshire Queries (home) - lost. Wiltshire Queries 210 beat Bowerchalke 120 by 90 runs.
  • August 5th 1957 versus Bournemouth Wayfarers (home, 11:30) - won. Bowerchalke 204 beat Bournemouth Wayfarers 135 by 69 runs.
  • August 10th 1957 versus South Newton (away) - no result recorded, wet.
  • August 17th 1957 versus Little Durnford (away) - won. Bowerchalke 83 beat Little Durnford 44 by 39 runs.
  • August 24th 1957 versus Fordingbridge (home) - won. Bowerchalke 133 beat Fordingbridge 111 by 22 runs.
  • August 31st 1957 versus Porton Camp CC (home) - won. No scores recorded.
  • September 7th 1957 versus South Wilts (away) - lost. No scores recorded.
  • September 14th 1957 versus Winterbourne (away) - no result recorded, no reason given.

* = quite dificult to read, so think this is correct.

August 5th was a Monday, so assume this was the Summer Bank Holiday, hence the early start for the game against Bournemouth Wayfarers. As previously noted there were no Sunday fixtures, also no fixture listed for July 20th but there was a mid-week, evening fixture on Wednesday July 10th versus Martin. Also, Trinity College Cambridge are listed on Monday June 24th. This fixture, which became such a tradition, had clearly been established for quite some time, I wonder when the first match was?

Summary Of Bowerchalke CC's 1957 Season

There were 24 fixtures listed (14 at home) of which 3 had no result recorded (e.g. because of the wet weather). There were 2 draws, 11 wins and 8 defeats.


Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Bowerchalke CC Fixture Card 1937

Images Of Bowerchalke CC Fixture Card 1937
As with the fixture card from 1936, this was also in Uncle David's collection and was previously owned by Arthur Butler. Again, his personal scores and the overall match results have been recorded, which is great news for us as it provides yet another excellent record of this pre-WWII season.

Results From 1937
OK, as before here is a summary of the Bowerchalke CC results from the 1937 season:
  • May 1st 1937 versus Radnor Hall (away) - lost
  • May 8th 1937 versus Downton (away) - lost
  • May 15th 1937 versus Cranbourne (away) - won
  • May 17th 1937 versus Broadstone (home) - won
  • May 22nd 1937 versus Hale (home) - no result recorded
  • May 29th 1937 versus Poole Old Grammarians (home) - won
  • June 5th 1937 versus Winterbourne (away) - won
  • June 12th 1937 versus Porton Exp. Station (home) - lost
  • June 19th 1937 versus Breamore (home) - draw
  • June 26th 1937 versus South Wilts (home) - lost
  • June 30th 1937 versus Bournemouth Amateurs - no result recorded
  • July 3rd 1937 versus Cranbourne (home) - lost
  • July 10th 1937 versus Downton (home) - won
  • July 17th 1937 versus St. Paul's (home) - won
  • July 24th 1937 versus Winterbourne (away) - lost
  • July 31st 1937 versus Bournemouth Amateurs (home) - lost
  • August 2nd 1937 versus L. Combes' XI (home) - lost
  • August 7th 1937 versus Porton Exp. Station (away) - lost
  • August 14th 1937 versus Hale (away) - won
  • August 21st 1937 versus Downton (away) - won
  • August 28th 1937 versus Bournemouth Amateurs (home) - won
  • September 4th 1937 versus Wiltshire Queries (home) - draw
  • September 11th 1937 versus St. Giles (away) - lost
  • September 18th 1937 versus Breamore (home) - lost

Notes on the 1937 Season

Bowerchalke were originally scheduled to play against Bournemouth Amateurs three times in 1937, although only two were played, all at home! I wonder if The Amateurs had a home ground?

As you can see from the scribbles on the fixture card there was some moving about of some matches (i.e Downton away on August 21st replaced Breamore away but Breamore at home was added on September 18th).

Also, Bowerchalke travelled to Winterbourne twice during the season in June and July but didn't play them at home. Also, Downton were played three times, twice away.

The August 2nd fixture versus L.Combes XI appears for the second season in a row...but I wonder if this Bank Holiday fixture was always traditionally played on that day and if so who was L. Combes? Interestingly, the Spring Bank Holiday was on Monday the 17th in 1937.

Summary Of The 1937 Season

There were 24 fixtures in 1937 of which 14 were at home. Bowerchalke won 9 matches, drew 2 matches, lost 11 and there were 2 where no result was recorded.

Arthur's Season

Arthur Butler had another good season scoring 667 runs including two half-centuries (versus Breamore and Cranbourne) and one century (versus Bournemouth Amateurs) and three other scores in the 40s (versus Downton, Broadstone and L. Combes XI).

1937 Events

To find out more about world events in 1937 see here:


Sunday, 21 June 2009

Bertie Buse Benefit Book 1953

In an earlier blog entry it was noted that Somerset CCC brought a team to play Bowerchalke CC, although the year wasn't clear. It was probably late 1940s / early 1950s.

That team included a lot of well-known players including, we believe, Bertie Buse. As promised in that blog entry here is a picture of the Bertie Buse Benefit Book from 1953.

If you look at the picture here and compare it to the Somerset CCC/Bowerchalke CC team picture Bertie looks to be situated in the middle row 3rd from the left. What do you think? Is that him?


Bowerchalke CC Fixture Card 1936

Images of the Bowerchalke CC Fixture Card for 1936

This fixture card was in a collection held by David Gulliver (our Uncle). We believe it was given to him by Arthur Butler. If you look on the front of the fixture card you can see that Arthur was the Vice Captain in 1936. Good news for us he was also very keen on recording the results and his own personal scores - a ready-made record! Brilliant! Arthur Butler is included in some of the team photographs we have previously shown.

Results From 1936
So, according to this fixture card here are Bowerchalke CC's results for the 1936 season (that's 73 years ago at the time of writing!):
  • May 2nd 1936 versus Radnor Hall (away) lost
  • May 9th 1936 versus Downton (away) lost
  • May 16th 1936 versus St. Paul's (home) won
  • May 23rd 1936 versus Hale (home) no result recorded
  • May 26th 1936 versus Cranbourne (home) won
  • May 30th 1936 versus Bournemouth Amateurs (home) won
  • June 1st 1936 versus Broadstone (home) lost
  • June 6th 1936 versus Winterbourne (home) won
  • June 13th 1936 versus Bournemouth Amateurs (home) no result recorded
  • June 20th 1936 versus Breamore (home) lost
  • June 27th 1936 versus South Wilts (home) won
  • July 4th 1936 versus Dunns Seeds (home) won
  • July 11th 1936 versus Downton (home) lost
  • July 18th 1936 versus Porton Exp'l. Stat. (home) no result recorded
  • July 25th 1936 versus Winterbourne (away) no result recorded
  • July 28th 1936 versus Cranbourne (away) won
  • August 1st 1936 versus Pool Old Gramms. (home) won
  • August 3rd 1936 versus L. Combes' XI (home) won
  • August 8th 1936 versus Radnor Hall (home) won
  • August 15th 1936 versus Hale (away) lost
  • August 22nd 1936 versus Breamore (away) lost
  • August 29th 1936 versus St. Paul's (home) won
  • September 5th 1936 versus Queries (home) drawn
  • September 12th 1936 versus Bemerton Sports (away) no result recorded

There are some familiar opposition teams in this fixture list, many still playing today (e.g. South Wilts, Hale, Cranbourne, Winterbourne and Breamore).

In addition there are some teams not previously seen (e.g. Dunns Seeds and L. Combes' XI). Was Porton Exp'l Stat. a forerunner of Porton Camp CC? Assume Queries are Wiltshire Queries. Not sure if South Wilts and Bemerton Sports are one and the same? It's interesting to note the teams who travelled to Bowerchalke from the Bournemouth and Poole area, not an easy trip I would imagine in 1936.

Monday August 3rd (L. Combes' XI home) was a national holiday in 1936 as was Monday June 1st (Broadstone home) earlier in the summer.

Note also that May 26th and July 28th were Tuesdays (Cranbourne home and away respectively). Why was that then?

As previously mentioned on this blog there are no Sunday fixtures listed.

1936 Season Summary

There were 24 fixtures listed, of which 17 were to be played at home (!). There were 5 fixtures with 'no result recorded', it's not clear if that's because the game was cancelled or because Arthur Butler didn't play in the match. The fact that four of the fixtures were scored out would suggest cancellation with perhaps Arthur missing out on the trip to the fifth (Bemerton Sports). Of those matches played, 11 were won, 7 were lost and there was 1 draw.

As can also be seen Arthur recorded 5 half-centuries and 1 century, totalling 638 runs and averaging 35.4 an excellent season!

1936 Events

For a list of world events happening in 1936 see this URL:


Where Have You Been?

Well, it's been a few weeks since the Memories of Bowerchalke Cricket Club blog was last updated...too long, especially as there's plenty of new material to share!

Excuses? None really, other than only having 24 hours in a day...

There has been some activity however! On May 7th 2009 the Bowerchalke Village Parish Council held a meeting and received an update on the progress with the new Chalke Valley Cricket Club ground in the village. In addition we were able to provide a few MS PP slides using some of the material from this blog (plus some other bits and pieces too) to show a little bit of the history of the old village cricket club. Feedback would suggest that this made a valuable contribution to the evening, which is great to hear. It's good to know that what we've gathered so far has already been put to good use.

Hope you enjoy the new material which we plan to post here in the next few days, some more fascinating insights into the history of Bowerchalke CC.

KeithG and StuartG

Friday, 17 April 2009

Bowerchalke CC Fixture Card 1973

Sadly, this is the final fixture card of the old Bowerchalke CC, well at least that's what we thought! Update on 8th September: the final season may well have been in 1974 not 1973. Our Mum and Dad have spoken to Gordon Lampert who recalls winning the single wicket competition in...1974! And has the tankard to prove it! So that means that there is another fixture card out there somewhere too.

Compared to 1963 and 1965 there has been quite a bit of 'movement' in the opponents listed but one or two familiar names are still there (e.g. Great Durnford, Breamore and Wiltshire Queries) and a few 'new' ones too. It was good to note that Broadchalke CC was listed again (absent in 1965).

Additions include: St. Giles CC, Porton, Bishopdown, Fovant and Amesbury. Trinity College Cambridge is still listed and a Single Wicket Competion has been added on August 11th.

From our perspective it would be really great to hear from anyone at these cricket clubs who might still have scorebooks containing details of these matches. We'd love to hear from you, feel free to drop us an e-mail at:

KeithG and StuartG

Bowerchalke CC Fixture Card 1965

Looking at this fixture card and comparing it to the one from 1963 there are some similarities with local villages Great Durnford, Breamore, Little Durnford and Fordingbridge included again. Agrarians, Poole Old Grammarians, Old Parkstonians, Wiltshire Queries and Poole Municipal Sports are there too.

'New' opponents in 1965 are Reading Brewery (sadly at home), Ellingham (in The New Forest), Andover Banks and Godshill (also in the New Forest, hand-written in).

Interestingly, Broadchalke and South Newton have 'disappeared'...had League Cricket started in Salisbury by then perhaps?

Note that on 5th June Bowerchalke were playing Trinity College Cambridge (The "Tom Tits") away!

From our perspective it would be really great to hear from anyone at these cricket clubs who might still have scorebooks containing details of these matches. We'd love to hear from you, feel free to drop us an e-mail at:

KeithG and StuartG

Bowerchalke CC Fixture Card 1963

This is the earliest fixture card we have uncovered so far. As you can see there are some familiar village cricket club names on the list. For example, Hale, South Newton, Great Durnford, Broadchalke, Breamore, Fordingbridge and Little Durnford.

From our perspective it would be really great to hear from anyone at these village cricket clubs who might still have scorebooks containing details of these matches. We'd love to hear from you, feel free to drop us an e-mail at:

There are also some other great sounding cricket clubs in the fxture list too: Poole Municipal Sports, Poole Old Grammarians, Trinity College Cambridge "Tom Tits", Agrarians, Wiltshire Queries, Whiteheads Sports, Woodstock Agricultural Research Centre and Old Parkstonians.

We'll need to take a closer look at the folded over piece of paper on the edge of the fixture card as that also looks like it has some matches listed on it!

KeithG and StuartG

Bowerchalke CC 1950s

This photograph already appears on this blog (see the thumbnail view in panel on the RHS which originated on the Chalke Valley CC website) and there was also a copy in our Mum and Dad's photographs hence this version being posted here.

Not sure of the exact date but we believe this was taken in the 1950s. Do you know when this photograph was taken? If so please drop us an e-mail at

Back row: Colonel Walker, Harold Gulliver, Morris Lampert, John Beckley, John Hitchings, Brian Gulliver, Jack Cook, Tom Feather

Front row: Albert ('Albie') King, David Gulliver, George Tate, Arthur Butler, Herbert Stevens

KeithG and StuartG

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Bowerchalke CC 1923

Of all the pictures we have uncovered so far this is by far and way the oldest and an absolutely brilliant find.

The picture was also on display in Holly Close (home of Granny and Grandad Gulliver). On Granny's death in the 1990s Uncle David asked Russell Emm at Ebbesbourne Wake to create copies which were distributed to members of the family.

The row of cottages in the background is still there today.

Details of names for this picture have been supplied by various members of our family.

Back-row: Harold Gulliver (our Grandad), Harry Gulliver (our Great Grandad), Melvin Hardyman, Herbie Stevens

Middle-row: Mr. Hitchings (not sure of first name but believe it is the father of John Hitchings from Broadchalke), John Linnell (he was the organist in the village church and is referenced in Rex Sawyer's book on Collett's Village Newspaper, see earlier blog entry), Jackie Butler (father of Arthur Butler), Bill Case (a JP), Harry Beckley

Front-row: Claude Williamson (a farmer in the village), Gordon Brasher (the scorer and old family from the village), Arthur Butler (used to own Rookhay Farm)

KeithG and StuartG

Bowerchalke CC Early 1970s

This is the most recent photograph we have come across so far. Again our Mum & Dad are the source. The photograph was originally published in The Salisbury Times / Journal (negative reference number 1633A).

Back-row: Tim Barter, Tony Izzard, Morris Lampert, Chris Downs, David Holmes, Brian Gulliver

Front-row: David Syrett, Peter Syrett, Dorien Petch, Reggie Clough, Paul Lee

If you look closely at this photograph you can see the fence around the outfield, discussed in previous posts on this blog!

There are a few players here who also played for Nomads CC in Salisbury (both Syretts, David Holmes, Brian Gulliver and Tony Izzard). Of course Gordon Lampert, another Bowerchalke CC player, also played for Nomads CC. Nomads CC played in Harnham.

It's also interesting to note that this picture includes a second person (David Syrett) who went on to play professional football, Terry Gulliver (Weymouth, Bournemouth & Boscombe and Cape Town City) being the other.

David Syrett played for Swindon Town, Mansfield Town, Walsall, Peterborough, Northampton, Salisbury and Brackley. We'll see if we can dig out some more on David. His brother Peter also played at Swindon Town. KeithG remembers the first ever football match his Dad took him to was Southampton Reserves versus Swindon Town Reserves at The Dell when David and Peter both played for Swindon. Amazing eh?

KeithG and StuartG

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Bowerchalke CC and Somerset CCC

Yes, you did read the title correctly! Somerset CCC did bring a team to Wiltshire to play against Bowerchalke CC sometime during the 1950s, although the exact date is not clear.

The chap wearing the suit in the front row is Mr. Richardson and he had connections with Somerset CCC although in what capacity is not 100% clear. A relative of Mr. Richardson (his sister we believe) lived in the village of Bowerchalke and it is through this family connection that Somerset CCC visited to play this (presumably) one-off match.

This photograph used to be hung on the wall in Holly Close (home of Granny and Grandad Gulliver). Following Granny Gulliver's death in the 1990s the photograph, along with some others, were passed to our Uncle David Gulliver who arranged for them to be copied and shared with other members of the family. Russell Emm from Ebbesbourne Wake created the copies (ref 6/96).

There are three Somerset CCC players' names listed on the photograph: Gimblett, Wellard and Tremlett, the first three on the left hand side of the front-row. We believe a Somerset CCC player called Bertie Buse is also in the photograph, middle-row second from the left with a moustache. Why do we think that? Well, somewhere KeithG has a copy of the matchday programme from Bertie Buse's Testimonial Match! He recognised him from that! We'll see if that can be dug-out and shared on this blog at some point too.

We've asked Dad (Brian Gulliver) to see how many Bowerchalke CC names he can recall from this you go:

Back Row: not 100% clear but Arthur Butler is believed to be one of the players.

Middle Row: Herbie Stevens, Harold Gulliver, Jack Cook, a schoolmaster from Winterslow, John Williams (who also played for regular opponents Agrarians and was a farmer from Fovant), David Gulliver.

Front Row: not 100% clear but as stated above 3 of the 4 Somerset players in this row are believed to be Gimblett, Wellard and Tremlett, Mr. Richardson, John Beckley, George Tate, the wicket-keeper is a Mr. Eckersley believed to be from Winterbourne.

We cannot believe this match didn't grab some attention locally so we suspect there is still a lot more to find out about it. It was interesting to note that Bowerchalke 'called-in' a few players especially for the game from other villages, presumably to bolster the team.

Do you know anymore about this match? When it was played? Do you know the identity of the players we've not been able to put names to, especially those from Somerset CCC? If you do please let us know we'd love to hear from you.

Send an e-mail to:

KeithG and StuartG

Bowerchalke CC and Trinity College Cambridge (Trinity Tom Tits)

Our Mum & Dad had this photograph on display in their front room for many years, above the piano, so we're quite familiar with it although it's been hidden away recently. Over the Easter weekend it was found!

It's not clear which year this was taken but it looks like mid-1960s.

Unfortunately, there are no names on the back of the photograph but there are some recognisable faces amongst the Bowerchalke CC contingent, as follows according to M&D:
  • Brian Gulliver (Dad! Back-row, 6th from left)
  • Len Viney (Back-row, 7th from left)
  • David Holmes (back-row, 8th from left)
  • Chap with moustache (back-row, 10th from left played for Broadchalke but can't remember his name, sorry)
  • Reggie Clough (back-row, 11th from left)
  • Chris Downs (back-row, 12th from left)
  • Is that Terry Gulliver? (back-row, 13th from left)
  • Dorien Petch (back-row, 15th from left)
  • John Lord (not sure which one is him, sorry)
  • David Gulliver (front-row, 4th from left)
  • Dr. Merriot (or Marriot?) is the chap in the cap, from Trinity College Cambridge

Can anyone help us fill in the gaps please, including the year? If you can drop us an e-mail at many thanks!

KeithG and StuartG

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Bowerchalke CC Versus Coombe Bissett CC 1938

Many thanks for this information go to Don Hewlett who has researched the history of Coombe Bissett CC which folded in 1974 (interestingly, the year after Bowerchalke CC) and was re-formed in 1980.

Don has been very supportive and provided lots of encouragement and insights for us with our research project into the old Bowerchalke CC.

We'd like to take this opportunity to publically thank him.

Don managed to track the old Coombe Bissett CC (including names of all the players) back to 1888 when they played Nunton at Homington Down: the players were made up by two groups The Toffs and The Farmworkers. In addition to cricket being played at Homington Down there was also a 8 hole golf course. Unfortunately, the old Coombe Bissett CC at Homington Down folded when the The Toffs formed South Wilts Golf Club...and took the pavillion with them!

Don informs us that in the 1920s and 1930s Coombe Bissett CC played at Tottens on the Homington Road leading out of Coombe Bissett. It seems there was a break between 1934 and 1938 when the club reformed and moved to a ground on the Blandford Road, playing on a concrete strip before moving across the road to the Giant's Collar Ground. Cricket started again after WWII in 1946 and Coombe Bissett CC played at this ground until 1973 and then played for one season at the Shutts Lane Recreation Ground before the club folded in 1974.

One really encouraging piece of information shared by Don was that despite everyone telling him that there were no old scorebooks or books with meeting minutes still in existence they did eventually materialise! We are ever hopeful that will be the same for Bowerchalke CC. Of course as soon as we found out he had old scorebooks we had to ask him the question...did Coombe Bissett CC and Bowerchalke CC ever play against each other? After a bit of searching Don discovered three matches in 1938 and the details are set-out below.

There are some familiar names to us listed in these scorecards, in particular Harold and Arthur Gulliver for Bowerchalke and Reg and Don Thorne for Coombe Bissett. If you take a look at the Bishopstone CC website (weblink on the Right Hand Side of this webpage) and search through that Club's picture gallery you will see some old pictures of Reg and Don.

This match played at Bowerchalke on May 24th 1938.

Innings Of Coombe Bissett CC
D.Thorne b. H.Gulliver 2
J.Bradley LBW b. A.Gulliver 1
D.Dyer b. A.Gulliver 0
E.Thorne b. G.Tate 11
R.Thorne NOT OUT 23
B.Bacon b. A.Coombs 15
D.Cox b. G.Tate 8
W.Tutt b. G.Tate 8
N.Loader NOT OUT 10
R.Stephens DNB
K.Morris DNB
Extras 9
Coombe Bissett CC total 87 for 8 declared

Unfortunately, details of the Bowerchalke CC innings have completely faded from the scorebook...but that might not be a bad thing because the book does show that the Bowerchalke CC total was 18 all out!

Result Of 1938 Match One: Coombe Bissett beat Bowerchalke CC by 69 runs.

This match was played at Bowerchalke on June 21st 1938.

Innings Of Bowerchalke CC
J.Cook ct. D.Cox b. D.Dyer 0
J.Coombs b. R.Thorne 0
L.Penny b. D.Dyer 2
P.Stevens b. D.Dyer 0
H.Gulliver b. D.Dyer 20
A.Coombs ct. D.Cox b. R.Thorne 2
Ed. Wiltshire b. R.Thorne 0
K.Lawes b. D.Dyer 11
N.Case b. R.Thorne 0
H.Sheppard NOT OUT 4
B.Silverthorne b. R.Thorne 0
Extras 7
Bowerchalke CC total 44 all out

Coombe Bissett Bowling
D. Dyer 7.2-0-13-5
R.Thorne 7-2-26-5

Innings Of Coombe Bissett CC
D.Thorne b. H.Gulliver 9
R.Powell ct. Coombs b. P. Stevens 2
W.Tutt b P.Stevens 7
D.Dyer ct. Coombs b. P.Stevens 0
P.Castle b. H.Gulliver 2
R.Thorne LBW b. P.Stevens 5
B.Bacon b. H.Gulliver 0
R.Stephens b. H.Gulliver 0
W.Lawes b. H.Gulliver 0
D.Cox b. P.Stevens 0
M.Owlgly NOT OUT 4
Extras 4
Coombe Bissett CC total 33 all out

Bowerchalke CC Bowling
P.Stevens 7-1-16-5
H.Gulliver 6.1-2-13-5

Result Of 1938 Match Two: Bowerchalke CC beat Coombe Bissett CC by 11 runs.

This match was played at Coombe Bissett on July 20th 1938.

Innings Of Coombe Bissett CC
Coombe Bissett
D.Thorne ct & b b. L.Penney 8
R.Powell LBW b. L.Penney 2
P.Castle b. L.Penney 0
D.Dyer b. E.Gulliver 17
D.Cox b. A.Coombs 5
R.Thorne b. A.Coombs 0
B.Bacon b. G.Tate 9
M.Pidgley b. W.Case 0
R.Sims b. G.Tate 0
W.Lawes NOT OUT 1
R.Stephens ct. H.Gulliver b. A.Coombs 4
Extras 10
Coombe Bissett CC total 57 all out

Bowerchalke CC Bowling
A.Coombs 6-2-19-3
L.Penney 6-0-15-3
E.Gulliver 3-1-5-1
G.Tate 3-2-3-2
W.Case 2-2-0-1
B.Silverthorne 1-0-4-0

Innings Of Bowerchalke CC
K.Lawes ct. R.Sims b. P.Castle 0
L.Penney b. D.Dyer 0
J.Coombs ct. D.Thorne b. P.Castle 3
G.Tate ct. D.Thorne b. D.Dyer 10
A.Coombs ct. D.Thorne b. P.Castle 0
A.Gulliver b. P.Castle 16
P.Stevens ct. D.Dyer b. P.Castle 4
W.Case ct. R.Stephens b. P.Castle 2
B.Silverthorne b. D.Dyer 0
L.Spencer NOT OUT 0
H.Gulliver LBW b. D.Dyer 0
Extras 1
Bowerchalke CC total 36 all out

Coombe Bissett Bowling
D.Dyer 8-2-12-4
P.Castle 8-1-23-6

Result Of 1938 Match Three: Coombe Bissett CC beat Bowerchalke CC by 21 runs.